
2023 Honey Contest

Grand prize is one Nucleus colony from my treatment free apiary in the spring of 2024.

To participate in this contest each person is required to submit at least One – one pound, glass classic style jar of honey along with a $15 entry fee delivered or mailed to 7773 bull street, Bridgeport, NY 13030. No labels or identifying marks to be placed on the the jar itself.
Two or more entries allowed with no limit. $15 with each entry is required. Quality in exhibit is recommended over quantity.

DATE CHANGE: All entries due by dusk on Monday October 16th. You may still submit an entry until Friday October 20th but with a fee of $20 per. Then again on Saturday the 21nd until just before judging starts for a fee of $30 per jar entered.

Winners will be announced Monday, October 23th @ a 7pm Zoom meeting (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89454526946?pwd=YnhnV2ZVMkZ0bmFNQTFqVFB5RHpjUT09) and posted in Central New York Beekeepers group on Facebook. Each winner will be contacted individually with in the following days.

There will be three classes of extracted honey only (light, medium, and dark) The judges will place the entry in the class they believe it belongs.
Judging will be based loosely on this document: http://masterbeekeeper.tamu.edu/files/2015/04/Honey-Judging-and-Standards.pdf
Guest Judges are passionate and will handle your exhibit with the utmost care.

There will be a first, second, and third place winner in each catogory and a best in show for a total of nine winners.

This is a not for profit contest: all monies received will be invested in prizes (not including the nuc which is a donation) and awarded accordingly.
Please include with your honey entry; your name , address, phone number, email address, and appropriate fee.

All judging is subjective based on the judges personal thoughts and whose decision will be final. Each person will only be allowed one wining entry in each category. Best in show will win the nucleus colony and must be picked up in Bridgeport, NY in the spring of 2022. If winner is unable to pick up the nuc then prize will be forfeited.

Winners will have 10 days to pick up their entry or forfeit it to be donated to a local not for profit.

I will personally check moisture content and note my personal thoughts and recommendations with the judges score and return them to each participant.

more information to come. check back or ask questions on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/CNYBeekeeperSchool

Registrations are closed for this event